Lafayette Charter Foundation
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The Lafayette Charter Foundation is led by local enthusiastic community members with a passion for delivering high quality educational options for students in Lafayette Parish. Acadiana Renaissance Charter Academy and Lafayette Renaissance Charter Academy.
“It was important to our board to include the name Renaissance in our schools because that name means rebirth and rediscovery. We truly believe that these schools represent a significant change in the academic make up in our community.” Mary Louella Riggs Cook, Lafayette Charter Foundation board president.
The schools are conveniently located for all students and both schools can accept all students in Lafayette Parish. The schools offer one-to-one technology for select grades and provide a full spectrum of enrichment programs including art, music, foreign language and PE. As public charter schools, there is no tuition to attend and the schools adhere to all Louisiana State Standards.
“Our vision was to provide an educational platform that instills academic rigor along with character and leadership development for a diverse student population. We want to ensure that EVERY child realizes their academic and personal potential.” – Charles Fenstermaker – Lafayette Charter Foundation Trustee.
Both schools follow all the same requirements as traditional public schools including offering services for special needs students and fully participating in the free and reduced lunch program. Our board is always happy to answer questions from parents and the community. Please email us and we will get back to you within 48 hours. Our board meetings are also open to the public and are publicly noticed according to State law.
Email: LafayetteBoard@charterfoundations.org
For more information on charter schools or Charter Schools USA, please visit www.charterschoolsusa.com.